Nothing more exciting then getting jolted in the face. Yes the shocks are back, my old friend Trigeminal Neuralgia. I didn't like this friend, in fact I had to do drugs to ditch him. I was told that there was a possibility that he might return as I weened myself off of these drugs and sure enough here he is. Off to my family Doctor to see about increasing the meds back up. I already have "permission" from my Neurologist to do this but I don't think it's a good idea to just start taking more drugs without anyone knowing about it.
One of the most common questions I get asked as I wonder down recovery road is "what do you do all day?" It makes my skin crawl and a deep rooted scream is silenced as I calmly tell them the following:
~I'm recovering from brain surgery, therefore everything I do takes twice as long. Laundry is day long event. Grocery shopping (with help) is exhausting. Getting my mail is an outing. Vacuuming my floor in my tiny house makes my head hurt. Then, there are weekly appointments with this specialist and that specialist. And on top of all of that, paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork. Everyone needs a form, questionnaire or in some cases a small book filled out. I understand the need for insurance companies to have all this documentation, it's important but when you don't drive it's not the easiest to get to my Doctors to have this all taken care of. So to answer the question of what could I possible do all day, you must be bored out of your mind the answer is NO. I hope you never have to recover from brain surgery or live with a brain tumour because it's a living hell, it's exhausting and it's by far the most effort I have ever put into something in my life.
~That's what I do all day...oh and get shocked in the face with the most excruciating pain know to man.
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