Sunday, June 23, 2013

16 to 41 in 12 Hours :)

I woke up his morning and opened my eyes and there in front of me was 1 of everything.  No double vision!!!  It lasted all of 5 seconds, or a couple of blinks, and then it was gone.  It was enough to make me smile!!!  It's the first time I could see without glasses while on this new prism number, even though it was short lived, I'll take it.

If you have children you will understand the parenting of teenagers (or preteens).  You give them a little space, enough for them to make their own decision, and mistakes, that's how they learn.  However, you reel them in pretty fast if you see or fear trouble coming.  I think as adults we have our own parent that does this for us as well.  Most people believe in something more powerful then them.  God, a guiding spirit, energy, whatever you believe in, can give you the same "guiding" space.  In my case I believe in all three as I don't think any one thing is right or wrong, however, I do believe that God guides and gently pushes me down this recovery road.  Sometimes you need something, anything, to keep your spirits up and I do believe that this morning's 5 seconds of sight was God's way of "reeling" me in.  Like an out of control teenager in a rage yesterday, I had to release this built up frustration that comes with anything traumatic.  If you've experienced it you will understand.  This road is not easy.

A friend of mine, who suffered a very traumatic brain injury many years ago put the following on her Facebook account yesterday:

It's just want I needed to read!!!  I'm not alone in this struggle to get through the challenges.  Thanks to this friend, she will know who she is.  :)  And thanks to God and my guiding spirits for giving me that little gift of sight this morning.  It's just want I needed to put on my "rubber boots" and trudge on.


  1. It's the little things that drive you crazy. but the little things can also make you smile.

    1. Yes Nancy, I sure am learning that as I go down this road!!! :) Thank you
