Thursday, June 13, 2013


Pressure in my head is pretty intense.  Not really liking that so much, not liking the fact that no one seems overly concerned about it.  Umm hellllo people the inside of my head feels like it is trying to claw it's way out and all I hear is, it could be "scar tissue", or "mmmhmmm", and my all time favorite "you are still healing"

Lets see, physio and Dr appointment this week has me upping my meds, no difference yet, still getting the pains in my face, it's all getting old real fast again.  So to make myself feel better I baked some muffins.  Well actually, the truth is, I'm so tired of making school lunches that I thought if I bake some muffins it's an easy toss into the bag.  Kids loved them, me?  Meh, they were ok.  The heat from the oven was however, fantastic.  It's been so cold and rainy here in Nova Scotia that suddenly I have the urge to make Winter foods like stews and quiches.  We've hit the middle of June and the wood stove is going.  I know, it's crazy but it's true.

Since it's been so rainy there has been very little walking weather, which makes my only outings in the car with T Jay.  I don't like driving with anyone (it's the control freak in me)  I like to drive, I don't trust anyone else to drive and well...... only I know how to drive my 5 speed correctly.  T Jay is well aware of my car freak outs and is very happy when I have to answer a txt message in the passenger seat.  I'm not paying attention to the road, or his driving.  I'm normally in a state of panic, grabbing the "holy crap" handle, hanging onto the door and he will certainly hear more then once during an outing.."OMG T Jay watch the road"  "He has the right of way" or  "you are going to give me a heart attack"  Which are all funny things to say to a Paramedic who actually spends his days driving around the city from one accident call to another.  At least when he gives me the heart attack he can save me too.  This "unable to drive thing" is very much having an effect on me.  Someone, being the stars of the show Bubblegum and Honeycomb have taken away my ability right now and until my perspective comes back to a point where I don't think that every car is only 2 inches away from us, there will be no driving.  Maybe I've lost my confidence, maybe it will all go away with my eye improvement.  Maybe it won't.  So while I'm not driving and am stuck in the house, I will continue to search Pinterest for the ultimate muffin batter, because we all know Muffins Make Everything Better.

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