Thursday, June 20, 2013

Super Sloth

I now can make it two days without an afternoon nap.  That's if I've been pretty low key.  Since we had a few nice days I've been doing little things in my back yard.  I think they broke my heat regulator when they were poking around in my brain because I spent the Winter freezing (but chalked that up to inactivity) and now I'm overheating this summer.  Every little thing I do causes me to over heat, get dizzy and my face turns purple.  It's not a pretty look.  One day of this, equals one afternoon in bed.  (Sigh)...I know that I am beyond fortunate however, I finally figured out that I went from Superwoman to Super sloth.  Have you ever watched a Sloth?  Here's some interesting facts about Sloths, it's amazing just how "sloth-like" I am:

Sloths are slow moving Mammals that live in trees
I'm a slow moving mammal that lives in a house built from trees.
Sloths have a thick brown (sometimes greenish) fur coat.
I used to own a thick brown fake fur coat.
Sloths have short flat heads, big eyes, a short snout, a short or non-existent tail, long legs and tiny ears.
I have a small head that's flat on the back, normal eyes, a short stubby snout, a non-existent tail, sadly, short legs, and I too have very tiny ears.
Sloths eat, sleep, mate, and give birth hanging upside down from trees.
umm what?  why?...must be the difference between the long and the short legs.

Ok you get the idea, move like a sloth, speed of a turtle and balance of a drunk.  They say acceptance is a powerful thing.  I haven't accepted any of this, might be willing to agree with it but no where close to acceptance.  I'm trying to find the humour side of me again,  I lost that in the last few months.  Caught up in appointments and overwhelming information, I forgot I'm supposed to be living, not just existing. It's the figuring out how to live with the existing brain tumour that's the problem.

Even as a Sloth I'm Mighty

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