Brain tumours are kinda like 2 year olds, as much as you want them to settle down they just don't listen sometimes. Now recovery from my brain surgery is certainly in it's infancy stage so it's WAY to early to tell if my tumour is being a trouble maker, other then Honeycomb (Mr. inoperable) seems to want to hang out with me for the rest of my life. That in itself is a whole other blog as we all know there is no 2 year old who is willing to "just hang out" However, it leads me to those who have Trouble Makers. Those are the people who had their surgery, maybe had to do Chemo or Radiation. The people who were told their tumour was benign just to have it grow back malignant. The people who thought that maybe, just maybe, they could put this behind them or at least stash it in a junk drawer.
My heart aches for these people as the longer I'm hanging out in the brain tumour world the more and more you hear of these people and their Trouble Maker stories. The amazing thing about anyone who is going through something as traumatic as this, these are the most grateful, gracious people. At least that has been my experience so far. Now I'm sure everyone has their "this sucks" kind of day, I know I have had more then my fair share. However, a level of acceptance comes along with it, at least that's what I've read in the Trouble Maker 101 Handbook.
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