Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Inpatient Patient

Today's a day to celebrate...Irish from all over come together and drink green beer...actually it's mostly the non Irish that come together and drink green beer...anyhoooo...I won't be drinking green or any beer for that matter cause Honeycomb still likes his meds...Yes I went there, speaking about my inoperable part of my brain tumor as a named object.  And it is, as is Bubblegum, we are just not sure how much of Bubblegum is left...Which brings me to the Inpatient Patient part...I am SOOOOO done waiting for things, waiting to see the eye clinic, waiting to see my Neurologist so I can get off of some of these drugs hopefully, waiting for my MRI...waiting, waiting WAITING....I guess before, I was waiting to have the there has been a lot of waiting since June 2012 when my symptoms first started.  I think one might be able to understand the frustration I'm having.

Brain tumors are funny things, people can't see them, so they don't understand what's wrong with you.  If I had a broken leg or arm it would make sense to people, but because it's in my head it's like the invisible illness.  I guess that's what people who suffer from things like MS or any other "inside" the body illness feels like.  Always having to explain, cause I'm one of those people too, who doesn't understand something that is not happening to me .I try and I certainly have empathy but we can't really get it.  Well this brain tumor and all it's odd side effects are very real and are driving me crazy...which leads me back to the inpatient patient.

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