Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Help Wanted, Apply Within

We are into the second week of September and I have no idea where the Summer went.  All I know is, it was lazy.  Now it's back to crazy ville with early mornings,  late nights and Doctors appointments in between.  I attempted WAY to much today thinking if I was going out I should get "things" done.  Yes it's a common theme, it is safe to say that I'm stupid when it comes to having no idea how to take it easy.  And yes, I always pay a price when I do it, do I learn, somehow I don't!!

So last night I attended my first support group for those of us walking around with these blobs we call brain tumours.  I really didn't know where I fit in, oddly enough since I too am sporting one of those blobs.  I guess it's more the support group thing, I've never been to one before.  However, before long it was easy to see that I will be able to learn a lot from the others and I'm sure in time will take comfort in knowing that someone else actually understands.  Also hearing the common theme of allowing the brain the time it needs to heal in conjunction with dealing with visual/balance issues, made me realize that I just need to get over my superwoman self.  Ugh!!

Now that I'm "out of the house more" it has become evident to me that writing to communicate it way easier then talking.  I can spend hours writing a blog, it's sounds good, planned and organized when I hit publish.  However, talking is instant communication and when my brain is over tasked, my thoughts and harder to form.  It seems that someone took the filing cabinets of my brain and mixed everything up.  Dear Lord, I've lost my brain's secretary!!! I need a new one ASAP I wonder how a job add would read for that?

Wanted: Secretary
Looking for an experienced Secretary who has excellent organizational skills.  Must have advanced working knowledge of the inner brain filing system, which includes current events, past skills, memories and the body's inner workings. Must be able to multitask in an ever changing brain which is under a great deal of stress. Be able to demonstrate and manage routine correspondence and file appropriately.  Confidentiality is a must.  Selected applicant must understand that this brain's filing system was breached in January and all previous files are currently misfiled and under review.  Some Personal Assistant duties may also apply which include but not limited to; public speaking, running errands and attending Physician appointments to take notes.  Finally, this applicant must have a strong enough personality to indicate to owner when to stop and rest.  

Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Your sense of humour is a definite plus in your recovery.
