The things you find out when you have brain surgery, a balance and dizziness centre, right here in Dartmouth, NS. I had no clue until my Occupational Therapist and family Dr recommended that I go see them. Ok, I thought, I'm willing to try anything. I didn't really know what to expect, and like everything so far I thought that maybe this was for other people, I don't really have this problem. It became apparent that I was in the right place when I started filling out the paper work. Every question on their questionnaire was surprisingly aimed at my symptoms.
In I go and my physiotherapist starts her assessments, yup I have some balance issues. The great news is that exercises can be started at home to push my eyesight and retrain the brain. Concentrating on keeping my head and neck straight is a must and now that I have my new glasses with the prisms, (that we picked up today) this should become easier with practice. The cool thing I noticed this afternoon with my new glasses is I can lean back and look up and not see double anymore. This is a seriously cool realization, it means I can now lay back in bed and read. I can lay on the couch and watch a movie, instead of having to sit up straight. These babies are hopefully my ticket to driving again in the coming months. I'm loving my new glasses, even loving the headache they are giving me right now cause I'm thinking, "that's right brain, fix yourself, you can do it"
And with all of this excitement today I'm now exhausted at 730 and that's with an afternoon nap. So I just might crawl into bed early and watch a movie, just me and my spectacles, ahhh the thought makes me giddy.
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