Bingo is a multi use word. For example, when someone doesn't understand something: "OHHH you mean THAT hardware store had the sale" and you can respond by saying "bingo!!!" There is a popular kids song called Bingo. B I N G O, B I N G O, B I N G O and Bingo was his name ohhhh" (you are all singing it now aren't you? haha) Finally there is the game, played at school fairs, town fairs and events I am sure weekly. Once upon a time you used the little green and red plastic circles to cover the numbers that were called. I know this as my grandmother had bags of them. Then came out the "bingo dobber" which comes in many colours and is an ink pad more or less, now used to colour the numbers called on the card. (and your hands and fingers)
So last night a group of friends were heading out to the local Fire Department for their Christmas Bingo and did I want to go? Now I haven't played Bingo since I was a teenager, so we are talking over 20 years ago. I asked T Jay if it was loud, as noises and I are not getting along right now. He assured me it was a pretty quiet and tame event. T Jay has been going to this Christmas Bingo event for many years as one of Santa's helpers. On goes the hot Santa suit, to give candy canes and hugs to the many seniors who attend this bingo. He loves it, they love it and I must say he certainly is very good at it. :)
I joined my friends, realizing very quickly that this was a little more confusing then I remembered. One of my "issues" is the inability to focus on too many things at once. This coming from the Queen of multitasking, it is a bitter pill to swallow. I notice around the house if I'm trying to do something and more then one person is talking to me I just can't function. Well last night that reality was taken outside the comfort of my 4 walls and truly put to the test. Lets face it Bingo is not hard, number called, dab your card. However, the concentration that I had to do was insane. There were times I was looking for the "O" number under the "G" column and when I realized, the next number was called and I became flustered. Add someone trying to talk to me and the whole thing was like someone took my brain and shook it. I didn't win anything, I could have had bingo a hundred times. I would have never known as I was missing numbers and concentrating so hard at dabbing the numbers that I was forgot to check to see if I was even close to winning.
Today my brain hurts and that is not sarcastic or a joke, I am finding it hard to manage. This blog is in it's 4th hour of trying to put it together. I am also hugely disappointed, frustrated and just plain mad that still after one year my brain is not where I want it to be. I have been doing a program called Luminosity, it's like physio for the brain, but it doesn't help you with real life situations. Now I guess, I need to be on a quest to find out how to get physio for the brain. I was taught how to retrain my brain to deal with my balance issues and although that is not perfect I am certainly better then I was. But where do you get brain training? You would think real life would be enough but that actually seems to be the hard thing.
I'm not where I thought I was, nor am I where I want to be. Who has control of that? Me. It's becoming a reality that my super woman brain has taken a hike and I may just have to settle for "Kelly's brain" Perhaps striving for the crazy multitasker who could do anything is simply setting myself up for frustration and tears. Ah yes, what a B I N G O moment this is...
Kelly, at the end of the are here and moving forward, if even at a snail's pace.It is your new normal, but you will adapt and you will make it work. One minute, one hour, one day at a time. You rock>