Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I Think They Heard Me

Five days ago I sent out a tweet that said "Hey #Halifax did you know it's #braintumorthursday to raise awareness that October is also Brain Tumour Awareness Month in #canada #btam.  That's all it took for Julia Wong from Global News in Halifax to call the Brain Tumour Foundation.  Hours later I received an email from Meghan at the Foundation asking if I would be willing to tell my story.  That I was the first person she thought of when a reporter called her from Halifax.  I instantly said of course I would and it wasn't until a while later that we all put the pieces together that it was because of my tweet that Julia called and she was now interviewing the "tweeter"  Proof that one little tweet on #braintumourthursdays can make a huge difference.

The interview went well considering I've never had one before, except for a job of course but they don't normally have a camera pointed at you.  I was not as nervous as I thought I would be.  Julia was as lovely as they come, so easy to talk to and made us both feel very comfortable.  I told my story as I was asked to as did T Jay and they, the news people, pick and choose what they want or need for their story.  I think she did a great job in raising awareness for the Brain Tumour Foundation's request for a national registry.

I've been asking all month if anyone can hear me...speak up, write to Government, with awareness comes change and I think I did it.  I think they actually heard me!!! You can hear and SEE me by clicking HERE

It's not too late to write to Government yourself.  Click here and fill out the very simple form.  You will be helping so many people with your few words, and as I learned today, words are powerful.

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