Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy Belly on Hot Days

As I said in my last post I've been trying to figure out things I can do for my health. One of my health problems that is totally unrelated to my brain tumour is diverticulosis.  This little problem I have can cause big problems if I don't keep in check.    Diverticulosis are small pouches on the inside of the colon..  These pouches are not normally a problem unless you misbehave with your diet and then you can develop painful diverticular disease.  The symptoms of this are similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, pain, in my case constipation and more pain.  It's awful.

So one of the things that I figured out in the past two years is my body does not like wheat products, I have a Gluten Intolerance.  Gluten is in EVERYTHING!!!  When I took gluten from my diet, suddenly the painful bowels took a hike.  As long as I stay on the diet, I'm ok.  Well, I love bagels, and bread, and tea biscuits, and cookies and sauces, get the idea, it's in everything.  UGH!!  So back on the Gluten Free diet I go.  It takes a few days to get back into it and it helps to just not go anywhere so you don't have to see yummy delicious gluten foods.  HaHa, although that would help, reality is you just have to stick to your guns and do it.  In a few days I started feeling better as I always do when I jump back on my gluten free wagon.  This time to treat myself I bought Betty Crockers Gluten Free Cake as a treat.  Now normally anything Gluten Free in a box or bag is nasty!!!  However, this cake was so yummy that it lead me the the Betty Crocker web site and I found all kinds of Gluten Free mouth was watering.  I am beyond excited to try out a few of these.

Hopefully if I make my belly happy, that will make my bowels happy which in turn has to make my head happy.  Now if I could just remove the humidity from the weather here in Nova Scotia.

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